
Father and Daughter

This weekend was full of hustle and bustle and lots of plans and a visit from a college friend! I had a blast!

Sunday marked the 3 year anniversary of my dad's death. My dad and I used to attend Reds games together and since his death I have attended Reds games by myself to commemorate that time we shared and to remember him. I usually attend on Father's day but since I don't know where I will be this Father's day, I went Sunday!

I had a friend with me this time which was fun and so I hadn't thought a whole lot about my dad. So, when we went to sit down, someone else was in our seats and we settled into some a couple of rows ahead. Well, then along came two others to sit in the seats next to us, a single father with his 9 year old daughter. As I type this the tears are fresh as I realize how fabulous the God I serve is. It was a great reminder as to how my dad and I enjoyed each others company, though neither of us were perfect in our relationship and it was strained at times due to his alcoholism. The little girl was sassy, as I was, and she even got put on the scoreboard while singing Take Me Out to the Ballgame!

I just thank God for the reminders of how GOOD He is and how good my dad and I were, in the midst of the busy weekend!

AND...Most important! HAPPY BIRTHDAY RYAN!


Tony York said...

I am an avid Cincinnati Reds fan... I came to your site through Pete Wilson's blog because I saw your post title "Ohio"... My family lives in the Columbus, Ohio area. Which part of Ohio did you move to?

Living day by day for Jesus said...

Hey Tony! Thanks for stopping by! I LOVE THE REDS TOO! If you scroll down, I have some pics from opening day too! I moved up here to Martins Ferry, OH. It is right across the river from Wheeling. I will be working on fund raising for a children's home in Romania and then eventually hope to move there to work!