I walked through doors that were opened for me and I was super excited...and I still AM super excited though my excitement has been seasoned with a dose of reality and the simple unknown. I thought I was following God to a specific place and though I didn't know the timing I assumed I would leave directly from Ohio to that place. Well, I left Ohio unexpectedly and I am not sure where He will take me from here.
Since being back I haven't really spent much time around my friends, or what little time I HAVE spent with them has been pretty surface as far as conversations go. Just know that I have been away from my God for quite a while between the job I worked and the environment I was living in. You see, I have always wanted to be in relationship with people that can be mutually encouraging. By that I mean in Christ. When I am down, I need the people in my life to point me in the right direction (upwards). I quite honestly did not find that where I was and that is not blaming anyone. We are all responsible for our own Spiritual lives and I take full responsibility and am working right now to get back with my God through His Word and prayer. It has been a struggle every day to be in the Word and in prayer...so, I covet YOUR prayers as I rediscover who I am in Him once again.
I have also had some time to get reacquainted with my family...I have been away from them longer than I would like to be, though sometimes it is necessary...unfortunately. Here are a few pictures of my nephew from Sunday...we went to Georgetown to Evan's Orchard, and he crocheted with my grandma! LOVE him!

I don't know where God is going to take me next, though I am almost positive it is something I didn't expect and may not even desire...but I WILL follow!
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