

Today I am just so thankful and blessed...

Yesterday was my birthday...I was scheduled to work 5am-1:30pm (So I thought)...my favorite shift...

I got up, got ready, finishing my look for the day with glitter in my hair! :) My birthday also landed on our Christmas launch day at Starbucks! Starbucks recognizes what a great day my birthday is of course...HA!

Anyhow, I got to work, and found out I wasn't scheduled till 6:45...bummer...

So, instead of driving home (less than a mile) and going back to bed, I got my Bible out of my car,bought one of our new Christmas mugs (SUPER CUTE), french pressed our brand new blend of Espresso Christmas Roast, a Cranberry Bliss Bar (YUM!), and sat and memorized Proverbs 2:1-5:

My son, if you accept my words and store up
my commands within you,
turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding,
and if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding,
and if you look for it as for silver
and search for it as for hidden treasure,
then you will understand the fear of the LORD
find the knowledge of God.

I had a fantastic day at work, received a call from a fantastic man along with a special delivery of some happy daisies from said man...

After that I got to join fantastic friends for dinner.

The day was simple, yet I couldn't feel more blessed! I am so thankful to God for those He has surrounded me with in life.

I seek to do as the above verses say in my daily life...I want to accept HIS Word, apply it, and I want to find the knowledge of God...My morning set the tone for the day...praying that we each find the quiet time we need to fill up on HIS word DAILY!!!


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