
Simply blessed

I just wanted to take a moment and give God some glory! He is just so good...Better than anything as a matter of fact and I am so blessed...There are so many things going on in my life and I am so busy but I have been blessed enough to have some time this week and last week to just breathe and when I look at how busy I am and even though I sometimes complain about the current situation, I am blessed!

I am blessed by...

My most fabulous friends! Seriously the best ever!

The people I work with.

The customers I see everytime I work at Starbucks.

The fabulous child I nanny for! Everyday when she wakes up she is singing...

The beauty of God's creation around me!

The ability to take up some new hobbies...running and biking!

And the more I work, the more I appreciate my time doing all of these things!

So, that is all I have to say...Glory to God in the Highest...Truly!!!

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