

I am so often forgetful. I forget Who it is that I serve and I doubt. I doubt so many things that I know He could control if I would just allow Him to. Then sometimes I realize that I have been sinful, yet again and I am filled with shame. He doesn't want me to remain there...He wants me to be free from the boundaries that sin places on me and my relationship with Him.

"The Lord is my shepherd; I have everything I need. He lets me rest in green pastures. He leads me to calm water. He gives me new strength. He leads me on paths that are right for the good of his name. Even if I walk through a very dark valley, I will not be afraid, because you are with me. Your rod and your walking stick comfort me. You prepare a meal for me in front of my enemies. You pour your oil on my head; you fill my cup to overflowing. Surely your goodness and love will be with me all of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever." Psalms 23:1-6 (NCV)

God IS like a shepherd to us! When I stray, He comes to find me. When I am in need of a drink, he leads me to a spring. When I am hungry, He provides food. When I am in danger, He protects me from the enemy.

I AM like a sheep. I wonder away from Him and need His protection and guidance. I need to be found and pursued and provided for.

God cares for His people much like a shepherd cares for His sheep. We can trust that He will provide for us much more than a shepherd would a sheep. Praise the Lord! He cares for each one of us individually! This means that we don't have to worry about anything! (Easier said than done right?

I will be the first to admit that I am not good at trusting Him ALL the time. I struggle more with consistency in trusting Him than any other aspect of my relationship with Him. I often feel that I am not worthy of being saved and that others are better than myself and therefore they deserve Him more than I do.

That simply is NOT true! It limits the power of the cross when I feel this way! He does not place levels on sin. I feel like some of the things I have done have been so ugly that I CAN'T be saved...BUT...it is me that places the level on the sin I have committed. The truth is that any sin, whether it is a little white lie, adultery, murder, or whatever it might be, it still nailed Jesus to the cross.

When I am having a hard time with the situation I am in, it is often easy to get bogged down in the "why me?" attitude and to take my eyes off of Him. This is wrong as well! We should be able to withstand any suffering placed on us with the attitude of Jesus. That way glory will be brought to Him through our suffering! In verse 3 it says that "He will lead me on paths that are right for the GOOD OF HIS NAME!!!"

That is all for now! PEACE!

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