
Walking with Jesus!

This past Sunday Jesus and I had a conversation...

I Have been asking Him to go ahead of me each day before work and to prepare the way...but this Sunday I realized, I always pictured Him going way ahead of me...and we weren't really walking closely...

Sunday I told Him I want Him to go RIGHT before me so we can still be close because I need Him next to me, so I can lean on Him and talk to Him...I just love having Him next to me all the time!!!

Now I picture it differently. I picture me walking on his feet...STEP by STEP!

I LOVE the picture He gave me because several weeks ago I took pictures of a friend's baby. She didn't want to be in them but I caught a few of him standing on her feet while she walked...much how I picture walking with God.

Take a look...and let's try to walk closer to Him...if we walk on top of His feet like in these pics...He is big enough and strong enough to reach ahead and clear our paths!



"No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

ROMANS 8:37-39

A lot of changes have been taking place in my life. SO much in my life is taking form and in ways that I never would have expected a year ago. I felt God lead me to move to Ohio a year ago, thinking that He was moving me toward Romania. How I LOVE to make assumptions...I am learning MORE and MORE not to make assumptions but to truly live DAY by DAY for Jesus as my blog address says...

So, as I was saying, things look SO different now. I am struggling to make sense of what I think God is doing, and I am realizing, it is not for me to make sense of. GOD has it all worked out and has prepared my way. My way toward what, I am not sure but this is what He is teaching me...




Two nights ago, I sat there, with my Bible and my summer Bible study book (Ruth). My study told me to "sit before the Lord in the true state of my heart..."

I didn't realize how ALONE I have felt over the past months and maybe the entire year. That is what came out during my time sitting before Him. As I felt this, I asked HIM, God, what do you want me to know right now? I stopped and waited to hear (I rarely actually stop to listen). I stopped, listened AND HEARD, "I LOVE YOU." I was like, ok, what else (AS IF THAT ISN'T MORE THAN ENOUGH!!!)

So then, I heard it again, "I LOVE YOU."

Then I sat and soaked it in...The CREATOR, LORD, DELIVERER, ABBA, SAVIOR of this world and EVERYTHING in it loves ME!!!

So, then I opened up another book I have been reading...As I was reading it took me to the above Scripture in Romans. The words that stood out most were:

neither the present nor the future will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

How I needed those words...right NOW when everything about my life here in Ohio is hard God is here loving me...When everything about my future seems so unsure...God is THERE loving me...

The same goes for all of you...

need to hear it again?

soak it up friends...