The past while for me has been so up and down and all around but the ONE who has remained constant is my God and Savior. I am sitting in the library typing this with tears just a streaming down my face because He is just so good.
I have struggled in life with depression at times and just being secure in Him. Recently I faced a "crossroads" if you will where I literally thought to myself, "What will I do to myself if this (a certain situation doesn't work out)???
It was in that moment that I just sat down to seek HIM because I needed answers. I heard Him speak to my heart and say that HE is the keeper of my heart and HE will care for it more than anybody else on this earth and that I need to trust HIM above all!
I was so blessed by that and up until that moment I had been questioning my relationship with Him...more than ever. I had been questioning whether I had ruined things between He and I and if I could ever be reconciled to Him. The reality of my life has been pretty dark and until now I haven't TRULY expressed to many people HOW dark it has been. I was so blown away from His answer and His speaking to me in that moment! Praise the Lord!!!
Then I was reading Beth Moore today...she took me into Exodus 15:22-27 (READ IT!!! It is 6 verses!) I was sooo thirsty, like the Israelites...Mine was a spiritual thirst. I was at a crossroads and could see that my way would have been filled with complete bitterness. As I have trusted God He has so completely sweetened the water for me and I am fulfilled in Him!
I pray that for ALL of us! Keep trusting and looking to HIM above EVERYTHING else...He is so much more able than we can imagine!
Praise God Amber, We are weak but he is strong. And these testings of our faith brings us closer to him and we are able to minister and comfort others thru these.God is polishing you into a fine diamond.
I 've had many dark times in my too but they have been for my goo.
I am so glad the Holy Soirit comforted you. Its is so good to hear from you, my sister.
May the lord bless you.Listen to some old traditional songs and hymns they revive the soul so much
This is Alice from Singapore. Happened to browse ur blog site when i was searching about Laminin.
I just wish to say to u, the wood that Moses thrown into the water is a symbol of the cross. By His finished work on the cross, bitter waters can become sweet.
Our Lord Jesus, came to take all our iniquities, condemnation, sins away, and died for us BEFORE we were even born. He knows your needs Amber, He loves you before you were born. He is grace. Grace is undeserved,unearned favour.
Talk to Him and let Him do the work. Know that "the Man will not rest until the matter is settled today" (Ruth 3:18)
And there is therefore now no condemnation in Christ Jesus (Roman 8:1)
Shalom... :)
(p/s: I also keep blogs at for His glory. If you're interested to read. :))
Hi Amber hope things are going well
How are things Amber
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