

I am just feeling so blessed to be alive and to have a Father that loves and adores me so much!

I began my day by joining the gals for Bible study this morning...God's GRACE was the topic and the conversation was perfect and I was blessed by it!...then I went to the Creation museum...I enjoyed trekking through creation and the planetarium which is a MUST SEE....

Then my friends Geri and Rich preformed Gomer, a play that is about Hosea's wife...it is written and preformed by Geri, who took creative license to interpret the story of Gomer. It is a fabulous testimony about redeeming love and grace and mercy...I had seen it before but this time I was not with a date and was able to truly feel and experience the emotion that comes with knowing and feeling the grace that God extends to us.

So...I am blessed and continue to try and live under God's grace daily, realizing it is a day by day choice...

In Him,


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1 comment:

Amrita said...

Hi Amber, Gald you enjoyed the Bible Study, planetarium and the play. Where would we be without God 's grace.That is what keeps us alive.

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