
Christmas in Romania

So, I have been in Romania since Thursday...

Got through jet lag mostly and have been spending time in a house with 4 boys plus 2 overnight visitors and two visitors from England, both named Susan! We are going to bake cookies tonight, polish off shopping tomorrow and wrap presents too at some point for the boys here.

We were originally going to have Romi, Mando, and Arnold here for Christmas...however, Arnold's brother Ervin will be joining us too now, so we have to scramble to get some things together for him...It is amazing how God can answer the cry of one's heart...

Through Romi, Mando and Arnold were all orphans at one time we feel they have been made to feel welcome here for some time...it is their home. My heart wanted to be able to share Christmas with someone in need...God had just placed it on my heart...in walks Ervin!

Ervin is 18 years old...He has been in a children's home for a long time and the children's home he was in decided to make him leave a couple of days ago. He is delayed mentally and not able to live without assistance. He is living in a sort of halfway house although he had nowhere to go for Christmas so we will get to have him join us! Our desire for the kids is that their Christmas is magical and that the love of Christ would shine above all else.

Please pray that Christ's love would be evident during the next few days!

Merry Christmas to you my friends! Craciun Fericit!