I updated the links on the right side of my page so take a look and check them out if you haven't!
I added Jennifer's blog, a friend of mine from church in Kentucky and I also added Bethany Dillon's blog. She is a Christian song writer/singer and married to Shane from Shane and Shane! :)
Also, God has been speaking and moving in my life and I have been striving to follow Him in everything I do...He is moving me into unknown territory and even though I hate to leave some things behind I am excited to see what HE will accomplish. He is my EVERYTHING...
Here are a couple of more pictures...I was able to get away for a 3 day weekend to Niagara Falls 2 weekends ago. I didn't turn on the TV or have internet on at all. I sat in the parks and walked and talked with Jesus and read His word...It was fabulous...the other favorite from my trip = the pictures I got to take! So here are two more...